Hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes
Hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes

() stephen toth: When is the new update coming out cause I can't wait also please fix at least some of the bugs because there is a lot.() Connor Gutierrez: After a while it says an error occured.() Sergio Quintero: youtube banned his prodigy hacking content.() briel e ryan: I love it its good i have the max outfits.() LeJarius Wells: it some times don't work right with the hack can you fix it plsss.() Thomas Frazier: It worked but the pets/epics and that stuff didn't work and didn't show up but level-changing and stuff are good.() Aibel Alex: theres a bug where it works the first time but then u log of and the day u can acess it but none of the hacks work :(.

hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes

  • () Joey Kay: It worked, but every time I go into battle it says error.
  • hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes

  • () Luko_LT: How do you activate the pnp url?.
  • () douglas scarboro: There is one problem and that is when i do the complete task hack it dose not give me the gem.
  • () Abraham Dolleh: I like it but there are some problems with it but some works and some do not.
  • hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes

    This person called me something I can't say here. I'm sorry if I sound intense- it's because I'm mad. Apologize to the poor kids you hacked for fun. You think I'm making a big deal out of it? I am. Well, go mind your own business and find something else to do. You've stated that you gain nothing from this you just do it because you have too much time on your hands. I'm not going to mince words- Prodigy is supposed to be a game for school-age kids to learn math. Yes, I admit it, I fell for the scam because I was naive. If there are no classmates/it's only you, then you're good to go! If not, repeat step 4 got into my account and changed my passcode to several things, some of which were not family-friendly. Then switch to the tab that says "classmates". When you join the game, click the button to view your friends. If this doesn't work, check to see that your code is right- or refresh the page and try again. It should say something along the lines of "success!". Select the big button that says "Update" underneath "New teacher?" Paste (Ctrl- V) your class code into this, and then click next.

    hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes

    Next, make a teacher account with the same steps mentioned above. Then link your hacked account and reset the passcode by going to "Manage Child" and typing a new passcode. Try to remember the email and passcode as you might want to get in again. If not, create a new one with a random email. If you have a parent account with your account linked to it, reset your passcode. Luckily, you can override this by creating a new class for yourself. What people don't know is that when you join someone's class, they can see your passcode and even change it. If you've fallen for the "free membership when you join my class", here's how I got out of it. This is a lil' off-topic but people need to know this.

    Hacked into prodigy and got all epic codes